Scince Class

Welcome to my blog. Here you can learn, read and see things very interasting and educational.My blog is about words,topics and others things. In this case is about Science.In this quarter I am studing about ligth so soon I will add some games about ligth.Well, thanks for visiting my blog.

sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

In what biome i woild like to life?

I will like to life in the decidious forest because in the decidious forest there are the four seasons. I will like to see the snow and play with it. In the spring I can see the flowers and trees sprounting. And in fall iI can play with the leaves. Another reason I wan´t to live in the decidious forest is because in the summers is not very hot like here in Panama.If I have to choose to life in one of the contries of the world iI will choose USA , Japan or Italy.Finally my last reason because I want to life in the

decidious forest is because I can see another animals and plants that I have never seen in the real life.

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