Scince Class

Welcome to my blog. Here you can learn, read and see things very interasting and educational.My blog is about words,topics and others things. In this case is about Science.In this quarter I am studing about ligth so soon I will add some games about ligth.Well, thanks for visiting my blog.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


Invisible Light

There are many types of invisible of light. To the most shorter to most longest. Did you know that the more shortest more dangerous is the ray?

Radio Waves

Radio Waves are the longest waves of the electromagnetic sprectrum. Broadcast stations use them to carry signals in a kind of code_ AM and FM. In AM the height of the waves is changed to carry the signal. In FM the frequency changes.


 Microwaves are shortwave radio waves. Water in foods absorbs radio waves. As the water molecules move faster, the foods gets hotter. Microve ovens can heat many foods faster, using less energy than a regular oven.

Infrared Light

Infraed means " just beyond red". Infrared waves are next to visible red waves in the sprectrum.When you stand in sunlight, it is the Sun's infrared waves that wrm you.Special photographic film abd electronic sensors can be used to detect infrared light.

Ultraviolet Light

UV causes chemical changes. It can produce vitamin D in your body. You need vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth.HOwever, UV light can cause harm.UV light from  Sun causes sunburn.Scientists found a form that UV light can also cause some forms of cancer on the skin.

X rays and Gamma rays

The shortest wavelenghts of the sprectrum__x rays and gamma rays__have great penetrating power.X rays can pass right through most objects.This means that X rays can produce a picture when they pass through an arm or leg, or your jaw.A special " gamma camera" detects the rays and produces image of acticity in the person's brain.

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