Scince Class

Welcome to my blog. Here you can learn, read and see things very interasting and educational.My blog is about words,topics and others things. In this case is about Science.In this quarter I am studing about ligth so soon I will add some games about ligth.Well, thanks for visiting my blog.

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


mineral: asolid material of Earth's crust with definite composition.

luster: the way light bounces off a mineral´s surface.

streak: the color of the powder left when a  mineral is rubbed againts hard, rought surface.                                                                                                                                     

hardness: how well a mineral resist scratching.                    

cleavege: the tendency of a mineral to break along flat surfaces. 

ore: a mineral containing a useful substance.    

gem: a mineral valued fore being rare and beautiful.      

nonrenewable resource: a resource that cannot be replaced within a short period of time o at all.    

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